bombardier challenger 600
Soixante-six furent construits dont quatre CL-144. ボンバルディア チャレンジャー 600(Bombardier Challenger 600)はボンバルディア・エアロスペース社が製造しているビジネスジェットである。 初飛行は1978年。当時のビジネスジェット機としては胴体直径が大きく広々としたキャビンを持ち、その設計はリージョナルジェットへと発展した。 Il dispose d'une nouvelle avionique dérivée de celle des appareils haut de gamme de la famille Global. Let's find the best jet for your unique travel needs Les deuxième et troisième prototypes volent à partir de 1979. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Typical passenger configuration is the typical number of passengers the jet is configured to accommodate 9 passengers, however each jet will have a custom configuration to accommodate an owners specific needs and will therefore vary. Service ceiling is the maximum altitude the jet can fly. Cruise speeds vary greatly during the course of a flight, during climb, cruise and descent. Page 1 of 4 As the chart displays, fixed costs are spread over more hours, the more you fly up to the point where additional crew will be required. Average hourly rate including fixed and variable costs based on the number of annual flight hours. Malgré l'accident, les résultats des tests sont concluants et Transports Canada, au Canada, et la FAA, aux États-Unis, accordent simultanément la certification de vol en 1980. Compare price and specifications of all Bombardier Challenger 600 / … There were three crew members on board. Passenger and baggage amounts can greatly effect the performance of an aircraft since minimum runway lengths, range and speed are all effected by its weight. Jedná se dvoumotorové dolnoplošníky produkované v několika variantách, které jsou využívány jak k civilním, tak vojenským účelům. Bombardier Challenger 604 Jets for Sale The Bombardier Challenger 604 saw major upgrades on the CL601. Range varies depending on the weight of the baggage and passengers as well as the required runway length, altitude and speed during flight. The BOMBARDIER/CHALLENGER 600, manufactured from 1981-1983, requires a 2 person crew and can transport up to 9 passengers. Bombardier Challenger 600 (también conocido como CL-600 Challenger) es una familia de aviones de negocios de reacción de tamaño medio diseñado por Bill Lear y fabricado por la compañía Bombardier Aerospace.Esta aeronave se produjo anteriormente por la compañía Canadair, hasta que esta fue adquirida por Bombardier Aerospace en el año 1986. Le CL-604 est une révision majeure de la version 601 incorporant des moteurs plus puissants, de plus grands réservoirs, un tout nouveau train d'atterrissage, des améliorations aux ailes et à la queue ainsi que de nouveaux instruments électroniques de vol. Le CL-601-1A est une version améliorée du 600 qui inclut des ailettes marginales afin de réduire la traînée ainsi que de nouveaux réacteurs General Electric CF34-1A de 38,5 kN de poussée [1]. Bombardier Challenger 600 je rodina tryskových letadel kategorie business jet vyráběných od roku 1978 kanadskou firmou Canadair.V roce 1986 se Canadair stal součástí Bombardier Aerospace. View all new & used Bombardier Challenger 600 / 601 / 604 / 605 Jet aircraft for sale at Bước tới điều hướng Bước tới tìm kiếm. Learn more about the most successful large business aircraft platform of all time with over 1,000 deliveries. At the end of 1975, Canadair backed the LearStar 600 concept by Bill Lear, and acquired the large business jet or freighter project in April 1976. Description. Higher altitude can also make the flight more pleasurable since the pilots have more altitude options to avoid turbulence and adverse weather. La série des Bombardier Challenger 600 est une famille d'avions d'affaires biréacteur de la catégorie super-intermédiaires, produit par Canadair à partir du début des années 1980. Maximum take off weight is the maximum total weight of the aircraft fully packed with passengers, crew, baggage and fuel able to take off. The cabin measures 28.3 feet long by 8.2 feet wide by 6.1 feet tall giving it a total cabin volume of 1,407.6 cubic feet making it comfortable for up to 9 passengers. Самолёт Bombardier Challenger 600. Balanced field length is effected by many factors such as altitude, temperature, humidity and the condition of the runway which is effected by rain and snow. This heavy jet can fly nonstop across the United States, making the 600 s… Internal baggage capacity is the amount of available baggage which can be stowed inside the aircraft where the… Long range cruise is the speed required to attain the maximum range. C'est la première version sous l'administration de Bombardier. The Challenger 600 is the first of the Challenger 600 series developed by Canadair and manufactured by Bombardier Aerospace. Details of the cookies we use and instructions on how to disable them are included in our Cookie Policy. Balanced field length is the distance required to bring the aircraft up to take off speed and slow it to a full stop at an average air density and payload. We are celebrating the delivery of the 1000th Challenger 600 series aircraft and the first Challenger 650 jet to enter into service with NetJets. Top models include 605, 300, 604, 601-3A/ER, 850, and 350. GE CF34-3B engines/increased fuel capacity upped range to 4,000nm, while a new undercarriage improved takeoff/landing weight, and alterations to wing and tail occurred. Cette dernière est devenue une filiale de Bombardier Aéronautique en 1986 Développement. Inflight . Average cruise is calculated by taking an average trip length and takes into account the climb, speed limit, cruise and descent speeds. 1982 Bombardier Challenger 600 . By using this website without disabling cookies, you agree to our use of cookies. BOMBARDIER Challenger 600. Boasting the widest-in-class cabin, worldwide reach, and the lowest direct operating costs, the Challenger 650 is the most reliable by design. Buying a private jet? Charter a private flight on the Challenger 600, the original heavy jet in the Challenger family of business jets from Bombardier Aerospace. Bombardier’s CL-600 (1A11)was the original aircraft in the 600 series, a line of business jets renowned for supreme comfort thanks to its class-leading cabin space, and a transcontinental range of nearly 3,000 nautical miles. Douze furent achetés par les forces armées canadiennes pour différents usages sous les vocables de CC-144, CE-144 et CX-144. Comparable to the Boeing 737, it offers much more cabin space than any similar aircraft. Bombardier Challenger 600 Operating Costs. Bombardier Challenger 600. Le 8 novembre 1978, le premier prototype prend l'air à Montréal, Canada. (1)Bombardier Challenger 600.jpg 1,538 × 1,323; 1.29 MB Typical passenger configuration is the typical number of passengers the jet is configured to accommodate 9 passengers, however each jet will have a custom configuration to accommodate an owners specific needs and will therefore vary. Soixante-seize furent modifiés sous la dénomination CL-600S et équipés de winglets qui avaient été introduites sur les CL-601-1A.
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